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Stair & Lift Level Signages – The Functional and Branding Sign Solution

In the fast-paced modern world, high-rise buildings have become a ubiquitous feature of urban landscapes. This trend is not only driven by the scarcity of space but also by the desire to create aesthetically pleasing and modern structures. However, with the increased number of floors in these buildings, wayfinding for vertical transportation has become a significant challenge. Fortunately, the use of stair and lift level signages has emerged as an effective solution in addressing this need. In this article, we explore the functional features and branding potential of stair and lift level signages, suitable for commercial establishments, hotels, enterprises, and apartments.

Functionality Features

The first thing that occupants look for when moving around the building is clarity in directions. Therefore, stair and lift level signages should have high visibility to ensure that they are instantly recognizable. To ensure maximum visibility, these signages need to be strategically located in visible locations, including the lift and stair landings visible from a distance. Moreover, for legibility, signages should have a minimal design that stands out with high contrasting colors or patterns that align with the building aesthetics.

The ease of access and navigation within a building is crucial, especially for individuals with disabilities. Signages need to be placed at accessible heights for optimal viewing by everyone, including people with disabilities using wheelchairs or crutches. A standard height for wayfinding signage is between 1.5m and 1.7m, depending on the building's architectural design and user demographics.

Stair and lift level signages need to have longevity since they often remain in use for years without replacement or repair. Endurance ensures that signages remain legible and visible, providing adequate direction regardless of the season or time of day. Therefore, signages need to be made from high-quality and durable materials that can withstand environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and sunlight. For instance, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and acrylic are some of the durable materials often used to construct stair and lift level signages.

Branding Potential

In addition to the functional aspect, stair and lift level signages provide an untapped branding potential for establishment owners. As buildings become taller, businesses and developers are under increased pressure to differentiate themselves from the competition. Therefore, brands need to exploit the opportunity to leverage stair and lift level signages as a branding tool by incorporating their logos, colors, and typography in the design of these signages. Branding potential enables businesses to communicate their identity and leave a lasting impression on occupants of the building, enhancing brand recognition and recall. Here's how stair and lift level signages can be useful for branding:

1)Brand Color Consistency
Branding through stair and lift signages allows building owners to take advantage of the power of color in building design. The signage's color scheme can incorporate the brand's identity colors while remaining consistent with the building's visual design. This uniformity can also be integrated throughout the building, including the decorations, furniture, and other branding elements to create a cohesive style.

2)Brand Typography
The font choice for stair and lift level signages can also be a branding tool. Brands can incorporate their typography to communicate consistency and simplicity that characterizes their brand. Simple and bold fonts can be used that are legible and maximize clarity from a distance.

3)Brand messaging
These signages can also be used as a messaging tool to communicate unique offerings of a brand. Brands can leverage the visibility and accessibility of these signages on every floor to showcase their identity and values, such as their slogan or mission statement. This approach creates a more immersive brand experience for occupants, who may be unaware of a brand's offerings.


Stair and lift level signages are an indispensable component of high-rise buildings. The functional and branding features of these signages complement the aesthetics of high-end establishments such as commercial buildings, apartments, hotels, and other enterprises.

Post time: Jul-28-2023