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Shop Decoration Lighting: Beautiful Lighting Will Increase Shop Sales

You can see various lights in different types of stores. For example, the lights in bakeries are always warm, which makes the bread look soft and delicious.

In jewelry stores, the lights are usually extremely bright, which makes gold and silver jewelry look sparkling.

In bars, the lights are usually colorful and dim, which makes people immersed in an atmosphere surrounded by alcohol and ambiguous lights.

Of course, in some popular attractions, there will be colorful neon signs and various luminous light boxes for people to take photos and check in.
In recent years, light boxes are often used as shop signs. The luminous LOGO makes it easy for people to recognize the brand, such as McDonald’s, KFC, and Starbucks, which are large global chain brands.

The signs used to form the store names are varied. Some stores use metal letters to make store names, just like the metal signs of some parks and monuments, which gives the store a retro feel.

More stores in commercial areas choose to use luminous store names. When the store is open more than during the day, the luminous store signs can quickly tell customers your store name in the dark. For example, 711 convenience stores always have their signs and light boxes on, so people can find them at any time.
When you want to choose a beautiful logo for your business, you can filter it according to your needs. If your store is open only during working hours, you can choose various unique logos, such as metal letters, acrylic letters, or even stone tablets as your store signs.

If your store is still open at night, then luminescence is a very necessary attribute. Whether it is neon, luminous letters, back-luminous letters, or full-body luminous light boxes, these can still bring you customers at night.
According to the business scope of the store, choosing the right color of light will be very helpful to your business growth.

People like places with beautiful environment and lighting. Many customers say they are willing to pay more for goods for the environment. Therefore, if you can create a unique lighting environment and store style, you will be able to achieve good growth in the original business.

Post time: Jun-20-2024